Only Tools &……

Upon departing my marital home in late 2019, wanting to avoid my estranged wife being bereft of DIY utensils I left my existing set for her to use going forward. Consequently meaning I’d cause to procure a brand new toolkit. Not unsurprisingly, she didn’t thank me for this benevolence, Instead, in a fit of trademark…

What Would Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen Do?

With the construction element of chez Strachan’s bathroom revamp now completed, GJ Strachan’s thoughts have turned to selecting the chamber’s ornamental and pictorial furnishings. Before proceeding further I’d like to clarify that, despite possibly reading differently, my initial sentence doesn’t mean I couldn’t embark on accessory selection until plumbing’d been concluded and silicon dry. Yours…

It Is What It Is

I feel moved to enter the idiom ‘It is what it is’ at some point within today’s narrative. As this journal is a literary riff, only time will tell whether yours truly fulfils that aspiration. Although, as the oft used saying is actually present in the first sentence of this narrative, I guess by definition…


This morning was spent power-blasting the lower garden patio and retaining wall at casa Strachan. My removal of ground-in muck from flags, stone and mortar a therapeutic maintenance task, enhancing the backyard’s aesthetics, as part of ongoing garden renovations. Whilst removing this grime from jardin masonry, built in 1990 by my old man, GJ Strachan’s…

Seeking Sawyer’s Savvy

The last two days have been predominantly played out with yours truly indulging in the insipid chore of treating garden timber. Not the most fascinating of existential plots, however not bearing the influencing skills of Tom Sawyer who succeeded in gaslighting friends into undertaking his fence whitewashing, I begrudgingly bit that particular woodwork decorating bullet….


Coincidentally, not only was yesterday (May 1st) ‘World Naked Gardening Day’ it was apparently also ‘World Arrested For Indecent Exposure Day’. A lesson learned to my cost when finding out buying lawn feeder from a garden centre can’t be classed as horticultural maintenance. My shame exacerbated further by foolishly undertaking the naturist act of procuring…

That’s Magic

The rain has returned with a vengeance over the last few days. in fact, it was so bad in the early hours of Saturday morning the water flowing down the cul-de-sac resembled a swollen brook. Consequently, for a few hours, my front window bequeathed what a realtor may describe as riverside views. Anyhow, mercifully, this…

Return of the Mag

With a heavy heart and empty fridge, a few days back I was relieved of my dog sitting duties when Coco returned to her Lancastrian homeland. The giddy lab/retriever venturing over the Pennine Hills with her mum Samantha, where I’m told Cokes’s has re-embraced her penchant for strutting around the parish Manc walk style like…

Biting The Bullet

It’s midday on Wednesday and I’ve spent the last hour or so fitting an integrated fridge into our kitchen units. A job elongated by over cautiousness from never undertaking this type of task before; not to mention the onerous job of locating the necessary tools among the boxes of DIY detritus adorning my garage shelves….