Two Lefts Don’t Make A Right

Walking the dogs this morning set me thinking about what part, if any, the cosmos bears in how our capricious lives pan out. This pondering ignited by something as unremarkable as seeking to understand why my strolling buddies always walk on the opposite side of an obstruction (eg lamp post or park gate) to my…

It’s A Lifestyle

Recently, during a period of free time afforded by my early retirement, I’ve mulled over strategies which’d address the unhealthier elements of my lifestyle. To be clear, this pondering hasn’t as yet seen me embrace the steps I need to follow; but as they say ‘It’s the thought that counts’. Seriously, though, this period of…

It’s Official!

Two days ago, a friend gifted me a Fitbit health monitor watch. Consequently, I’ll now be party to more informed statistical data relating to my daily fitness regime. Management information which’ll confirm officially, if re-affirmation was required, that GJ Strachan currently undertakes absolutely sod all on the exercise front. My above paragraph not decrying this…

Just Fat Crying

Following last week’s hiatus while York in situ, this morning yours truly partook in a fitness class for the first time in ten days. A session where it became clear the sabbatical from exercise, along with consumption of a significantly less healthy diet, had taken its toll on the author’s physical vigour. The above circumstances…

Exercise Plans & Home Repairs

This morning a gym class, along with overseeing the replacement of a toilet flush mechanism at my marital home, held priority over chronicling this essay. Consequently, it was 2.30pm before my posterior parked itself on a cafe shop chair to pen these reflexions decalees. I’m not overly fazed by this delay, experience indicates yours truly…

What Do I Owe You?!

Today sees a late start to yours truly chronicling my daily observations. Due to two visits to the White Rose Shopping Centre (WRSC) with Mrs Strachan senior, it’s now almost 4.30pm as I commence jotting down Tuesday’s notions. The initial sojourn to the south Leeds retail outlet embarked upon to secure Maggie’s weekly comestibles; the…

At The Peloton’s Rear

Today, yours truly’s exercise class of choice is the inaugural Studio Cycling session at a Leeds leisure centre. Not the intensive and deeply exerting spinning type of pedal work; moreover a gentle easing into the world of gymnasium cycle activity….. Or so I’m assured by the leisure centre operative with whom I spoke yesterday. At…

On The Road To My Horizon

Later this morning I’m scheduled to participate in a Pilates class; this event yours truly’s inaugural undertaking of this increasingly popular physical fitness system. I’ve played Pontius Pilate in a school play, but I don’t believe the exercise session I’ll shortly embark on is linked in any way to the Roman province of Judae’s fifth…

Green Shoots

It’s been a productive week for yours truly. Seven days where I’ve indulged in a far physically and mentally healthier lifestyle, including three gym visits, a cathartic choir rehearsal and a much needed period of sobriety. A lifestyle adjustment meaning, if I could desist from unhealthily munching so many bags or crisps, who knows this…