Family Bequests

Amongst an upcoming event packed weekend itinerary, yours truly intends to perform an inaugural self-pedicure. A procedure I’ve concluded bears far greater priority than the cursory attention I’ve thus far paid my ten toenails. Keratinous plates which my son Jonny opines look like those of a leprechaun. I’m guilty as charged that I neglect my…

The 100 Year War

It’s just ten days before Leeds United’s footballing return to (hopefully) conclude the 2019/20 COVID delayed Championship season. A remaining nine games which’ll (again hopefully) propel the club back into the Premiership after sixteen years in English football’s second tier or lower. In pundit parlay, prior to coronavirus induced cessation of footballing hostilities, my half…

Two By Two

Battleship grey of hue, the West Yorkshire skies are as dark and satanic as the mills articled in poet William Blake’s prose. Despite it being 9.30am, I’m chronicling these words illuminated by two lamps; beacons whose shift at this calendar juncture ordinarily doesn’t commence until around 9.30pm. I’m no meteorologist, but I’d suggest today’s cloud…

But Sarge…..

It’s been a productive day where yours truly has written a 700+ word blog, cut and seeded the back lawn, visited the local store, cooked tea and now is chilling in front of my laptop. Yours truly’s background soundscape of neighbourhood lawn trimming. To be clear, bearing in mind I undertook the very same chore…

Pick A Card

Currently awaiting the light bulb moment that’ll cast forth today’s topic, my eyes gravitate to a leaf from an aubretia plant in a nearby garden border. This bract bearing a remarkable profile resemblance of late American comedy actor/writer Groucho Marx. Witnessing this Marx-a-like frond evoking memories of my fledgling years. An era when Groucho’s fine…

Cokes Adds Life

It’s a stark grey day, however it’s not dampening the esprit consequential of being in the company of my lab/retriever buddy Coco. An affectionate soul from the red rose county of Lancashire, the spirited demeanour she displays when in her presence absolutely melting my heart. This morning while walking with my loving canine buddy at…


I woke this morning with the light headed sensation consequential of an evening of over imbibing vino. Yesterday evening, the alcohol infused fruit of the grape bearing such piquancy it gravitated me towards irresponsible Pinot Grigio consumption. Like a mermaid beckoning sailors to run aground upon a clandestine rock, this evil outcome from viticulture luring…

Making A Spectacle

Yesterday, a section of my time on this unreal global reality show was spent purchasing specs at a local optician. Satisfied with my current optical prescription, I spurned an eye test. So, while complying to social distancing edicts, I promptly chose two pairs of gigs, to which a masked optometrist added my last lens prescription….

Meet The Gang

Yesterday evening GJ Strachan joined seven buddies to partake in a Zoom quiz. This inquisition, in part, a display of deference to folk singing/whistling legend Roger Whittaker. Amongst this reverence some group members fleetingly adorning card masks bearing the warbler’s visage. This evening of esprit taking the form of general knowledge queries relating to a selection…