
As I begin this prose I’m taking temporary residence in a Costa coffee house in the White Rose Shopping Centre. My OCD being severely tested by having to utilise a different cafe than normal due to flooding at my usual eatery. Circumstances that’ve led to feelings of angst, an outbreak of hives and a desire…

Beast From The East

According to meteorologists and a local pensioner’s bunions, the icy temperatures strangling the UK show no sign of relenting in the coming days. Originating in Scandinavia and dubbed the ‘Beast from the East’, this meteorological front is currently acquiring more column inches than any other news story. Apart, that is, from Saturday’s English rugby defeat…

Opera Without Soap

This morning the Facebook ‘On This Day’ app reminded me that two years ago today I received a ticket for The Marriage of Figaro…….. The unexpected jogging of my memory bringing to mind my elation upon receipt of this item of post. After all you can’t beat a good wedding, can you? I’d chosen to attend this Mozart written opera production after savouring my first…

I Just Called To Say……

I had an atypical experience yesterday evening during a FaceTime video call with my twentysomething daughter Rachel. My youngest offspring is currently residing in the province of Alberta in Canada; where she’s temporarily working, along with endeavouring to fulfil as many of her bucket list aspirations as possible. Rach initiated the call, but within a minute of it commencing bizarrely…

The Diminishing Bucket List

Yesterday, Karen and I were heartened to receive a phone call from our daughter Rachel, who’s currently residing in Canada. Amongst the many things we discussed during this erudite interaction, my offspring apologised for her recent astronomical monthly phone bill (which I’m paying). The irony of someone ringing to apologise for over-spending on their phone wasn’t lost on…

Always & Forever

It was November 2010 and we’d just been well and truly blindsided by the diagnosis of my wife’s incurable cancer. Everything was a blur then and, at times, remains so now. Amongst the few things I remember, after we left the consultants office, was being informed by the MacMillan nurse we had just embarked on…