New Years Resolutions

The new year is upon us. For many the start of January manifesting resolutions aimed at improving physical and/or mental wellbeing. People’s declarations of existential advancement coming in various ways. For instance, gym memberships increase, sales of workout gear surge skywards like new years fireworks, and I purge all thoughts of taking up lion taming….

Meet The New Year

Well, it’s race almost run. The year which bequeathed stark episodes as frequently as a Costco employee hands out food samples, lays moribund on a ventilator. The annus horribilis taking its final shallow breaths while 2021 patiently waits outside the ICU in readiness to grasp the almanac baton. At some juncture on its watch the…

Getting From A to B; Or Maybe C

The silence I was enjoying when commencing these observations has just been defiled by an intermittent thudding sound emanating from the direction of Colton Retail Park. The nearest description I can muster for this soundscape is the noise resembles malcontents endeavouring to gain access to a defending castle by battering ram. Quite clearly, I’ve never…

Less Aspirational Wish Requests

I commence these observations following an hour or so dusting, cleaning and vacuuming the upstairs of chez Strachan. My labour ensuring bedroom surfaces, carpets and bathroom tiles are now bereft of dust and fluff. The resultant gleam from mahogany furniture mirroring that on my face when as a child I first heard Pop Tarts were…

Owing It To Myself

An acquaintance recently felt moved to express wonderment at the prolificacy yours truly displays with the quantity of blogs I produce. I’d have liked them to have prefixed the word blog with the adjective brilliant, however, they’re not ones for going overboard in their praise….. or lying! They opined my penning of a daily narrative…

My 2020 Vision

New Year 2020 has dawned. Amongst the objectives I’ve given myself during this next twelve months is the perennial promise of addressing the paucity of my gym visits, exploring options of narrating yours truly’s prose into podcasts. Along with a desire to instigate world peace with an online campaign with the work in progress title…

Vive La Difference!

During conversations with readers of my penmanship some feel moved to convey “I don’t know where you get all your ideas from, Gary.” Submissions I generally take to be complimentary observations of my creative prowess displayed within these daily chronicles. I don’t make these assumptions from a position of hubris, moreover the complimentary tone in…


As I begin this prose I’m taking temporary residence in a Costa coffee house in the White Rose Shopping Centre. My OCD being severely tested by having to utilise a different cafe than normal due to flooding at my usual eatery. Circumstances that’ve led to feelings of angst, an outbreak of hives and a desire…

Lunchtime Lounging At The Griddle

The Gateshead senior high school where I was educated was demolished a couple of decades ago. I’m assured it’s nothing to do with my attendance there and the hate mail’s abated, but the self-doubt still lingers. The school’s penchant for turning out top level professional footballers, a world renowned orchestra leader and an international rugby…