Carry On Indoctrination

Yours truly’s itinerary for today incorporates the ‘verve infusing’ chore of ironing laundry – Clothing and bedsheets amassed after yesterday’s sojourn through washing machine and dryer…… Incidentally, that was the laundry, not GJ Strachan, navigating the washer/dryer. Footnote – Yeah, I agree I probably didn’t need to suffix the word ironing with the word laundry….


It’s 3pm on the last Sunday before Christmas Day 2020. Shortly. I’ll be firing up the oven to cook my mater and me a roast beef dinner; a small gesture by her eldest offspring in recognition of her washing/ironing his laundry earlier in the week. Laundry a task, even in her dotage, Mrs S senior…

Project Chaste Snow

Yours truly’s agenda today contains a number of small chores I’ve procrastinated over for weeks. That being said, the assignments are by no means arduous, affording me a welcome distraction during any ‘white space’ moments. For those not familiar with the expression ‘white space’, it’s a term used within business to indicate the colour of…

A Partial Success

During this morning’s dusting and vacuuming session, prior to my mater’s return from vacation, I felt moved to refresh the aesthetics of the dining room. A chore which involved moving the cabinet containing hundreds of my late father’s CDs, removing his disk player (which is pretty much redundant in the world of streamed music), placing…


It goes without saying self-isolation in the wake of COVID-19’s global disorder is by no means an ideal existence. On a positive side, though, what it does afford those unfortunate enough to be affected are opportunities. Scope and time to maybe indulge in projects delayed, or aspirations yet to be fulfilled, ordinarily due to a paucity…

The Royal We

The royal ‘we’ – A much used addition to my mother’s vocabulary since I commenced residing in casa Strachan senior back in July. A ‘we’ which, when inserted into a conversation with yours truly, always means ‘you’. “We need to cut back the buddleia in the back garden, Gary!”, “We need to ring Sky and…

Wanna Buy A Lawnmower, Guv?!

GJ Strachan had a productive morning today. A much needed defrost of my mother’s freezer, followed by two hours of garden maintenance meaning he sat down to lunch with a warm sense of accomplishment. I’m not sure when Mrs S senior last defrosted the freezer, however judging from the amount of ice, which was roughly the…

Hectic Times For AWA

Yesterday saw a drive to a Leeds Teaching Hospital for my wife to receive her four weekly oncology treatment, followed by an afternoon escorting mater food shopping at the White Rose Centre in Leeds. Today, there’s gardening for the aforementioned Mrs Strachan senior, before a brief sojourn to the suburbs of York for some minor…

Fighting The Hoarder Disorder

Yesterday I spent a constructive few hours purging more hoarded items that I’d accrued over decades. This time it wasn’t the loft getting the Kim and Abbi treatment, the benefactors of Sunday’s clear out being a wardrobe and miscellaneous boxes of miscellany. During this cleansing process I’m unsure if I played the role of TV’s How Clean is Your House presenters Kim…