
Blowing gently in prevailing West Yorkshire zephyrs a single strand of proteinaceous spider silk lays entwined within the pergola beams above my head. It’s gentle movement reflecting a bisque colour drawn from overhead solar rays. As we lay on the cusp of June’s equinox, with sub sequential onset of ever darkening evenings, it warming (both…

Quiz Questions

Yesterday evening I partook in a Zoom quiz with buddies. Live acoustic music, seven rounds of inquisitions and much guffawing forming our entertainment landscape. Below are the two rounds I wrote/presented for your delectation. In addition to my usual absurd ‘True of False’ round, where I shower participants with zany fictional queries, a series of…

Dark Whimsy

It’s a beautiful day today……. Well from a weather perspective anyhow. With regards the resplendence of today’s events, as it’s only 9am, it’s too early in the day to comment. After all, while later enjoying the warm solar rays during my daily stroll to the local store, I may get run over by a bus….

Shut Uppa Your Face!

On Wednesday afternoon, I embarked on a brief social distancing compliant tarry to the White Rose Shopping Centre (WRSC) in south Leeds. Apart from optician visits to procure new gigs, my first sojourn inside it’s hallowed retail halls since lockdown. Before COVID slithered uninvited upon the shores of this sceptred isle, I’d journey on an…

Tuffy Hardcase & The Rhum Deal

Thursday 17th May – I’m sat writing this monologue at the salon of my mum’s hairdresser. My attendance here that of dutiful son patiently awaiting to drive his mater home post-haircut. Despite me being firmly entrenched in middle-age, mum feel moved to promise me a bag of M&S Peppa Pig candies if I’m a good…

Nowhere Plans For Nobody

Rancid journey with no outcome desirable Damned if you do; don’t and vilification still Fool on hill, feeds scraps to judgemental Their prurient appetites fed; real story irrelevant   Fab quartet advocate nowhere man not to worry Take his time and not hurry Have patience till somebody else lends him a hand World isn’t at his command,…

Has Anyone Ever Told You…?

My week of exercise and healthy eating unceremoniously came off the rails yesterday evening. The willpower of yours truly, stoic foe of temptation over the previous seven days or so, conspicuous by it’s absence during a visit to Headingley cricket ground. An evening sojourn with a pal to witness the Yorkshire v Lancashire T20 Blast game. All the ingredients were there to…

The Wild West Cup Final Replay

Prompted by yesterday’s parody narrative about the great Don Revie Leeds United side, I’ve just had an engaging trip down memory lane with an old friend. The amiable interaction commenced following his musings about the uncompromising nature of the 1970 FA Cup Final replay at Old Trafford, Manchester. A match that involving the gladiators of the Leeds who I wrote…

Blue Sky Thinking

There is a particularly striking blueness to the sky this morning. Accompanied by sporadic clumps of chaste white clouds, along with the absence of any breeze, it feels meteorologically as though spring has woken from its slumber. Not wanting to describe this vivid colour as merely sky blue, I sought inspiration from online to provide a…