Nowhere Man On The Hill

Mushy mind, emotions spent

Enduring anger persists at karma’s folly

Dysfunction reigns, parasol protects not

Pretentious prose mine novel distraction

Wordsworth without the words

Shelley without the shell.


Unrelenting detritus, any plans to move on?

Like fab quartet mused, fool on the hill’s wants are excessive not

Nowt high maintenance sought by nowhere man

Peace of mind his solitary goal on mystery tour

All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

His mother should know, but isn’t sure.


Rudderless fool, hill in situ

Sees the sun going down; while the eyes in head

Witness revolutions of globe

Nowhere man refuses to recant creative musings

Lifetime of acquiescence a strategy long gone

Difference now embraced, negative spouting disregarded with distain.

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